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No change in online visa procedures under the Unified National Visa Platform

Jawazat & MOINo change in online visa procedures under the Unified National Visa Platform

Riyadh — According to the recent decision of the Council of Ministers, there will be no change in the current electronic systems and procedures related to the process of foreign labor recruitment. And for dealing with expatriates under the Unified National Visa Platform.

According to the Cabinet decision on May 17, the NIC will host the Unified National Visa Platform within a year. NIC is the National Information Center.

The Cabinet’s decision for a unified platform for visas will not change the electronic systems and procedures used by the portals of the Ministry of Interior.

These include the Border Law, the Recruitment Law, and the rules for dealing with expatriates. The Cabinet decided to transfer the Online Visa Platform under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to NIC.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will develop a technical working committee to ensure the platform transfers within a year. One year from the date of the Cabinet’s decision.

The Cabinet has ordered 11 government agencies and ministries to develop the Unified National Visa Platform.

The Ministry of Human Resources portal will be responsible for all work visa applications submitted to the Unified National Platform for Visas at MOFA.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will own and develop the platform, while NIC will be its host.