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Online Jobs That Let You Make $5,000 Fast! 

BusinessOnline Jobs That Let You Make $5,000 Fast! 

After COVID-19, one thing that we’ve all learned is that you don’t need to sit in an office to be able to do a job.

Businesses and workers alike have adapted to the work-from-home culture that allows greater mobility for the worker and the opportunity to hire the best person for the job for the business.

If you’re looking for an online job, here are some to get you started, all able to get you $5000 a month or more. 

Table of Contents

Online Tutor

Online tutoring has quickly become one of the fastest-growing industries, and it’s not hard to see why. With remote learning on the rise, students often seek tutors to help them with their academics. 

This is only facilitated with the online learning model, allowing anyone to teach from anywhere. Teaching online can get you about $25 to $75 an hour, depending on your expertise and the subject you’re teaching. 

This works out to above $ 5,000 monthly if you can secure enough clients.

To become an online tutor, it is essential to have relevant experience in your chosen field, especially according to the client’s needs. 

It would be best if you also worked with students from all backgrounds and ages. Many online tutoring platforms require at least a bachelor’s degree, but this isn’t always required, especially if you get clients independently. 

Ensure you have a good internet connection, webcam, and microphone, and you’re good to go!

 If online tutoring sounds up your alley, check out platforms like TutorMe, Chegg, and Varsity Tutors. These sites allow you to connect to students from all over the world. You can advertise and get your clients via social media if this doesn’t work. 

Social Media Manager

Social media has become vital to any business’s marketing strategy in the digital age.

To have an online job as a social media manager, you will be responsible for curating a feed on various social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. 

Social media managers can earn $ 40,000 to $ 70,000 annually, depending on expertise and the company’s size. This works out to around $ 5,000 monthly for experienced social media managers. To become a competent social media manager, it is important to be adept at different social media, their algorithms, and their audiences.

While many social media managers have a degree in business, communications, or a related field, ultimately, understanding how these platforms function and the ability to navigate them is valued more. You must also be comfortable with working with tight deadlines and analytic tools.

If this feels like something you’d be interested in, you can check out job boards such as Indeed and LinkedIn

Suppose this doesn’t feel right to you. In that case, you can contact companies directly and offer your services as a freelance social media manager. Make sure to highlight your skills in your resume and cover letter, and be ready to provide samples for your work. 

Freelance Writer

Freelance Writing is an incredibly popular online job that allows anyone to earn from anywhere worldwide. You can write academic papers, blogs, website content, ghostwrite entire novels, or anything your heart desires.

 Depending on your experience and the client’s budget, you can earn anywhere from $0.05 to $5 (and even more if you progress that far) per word, easily reaching $ 5,000 a month if you secure enough assignments. To become a freelance writer, you’ll need excellent writing skills and a lot of versatility in your tone and writing style.

 Freelance writing also entails a good understanding of SEO and excellent research skills. Moreover, you’ll need to communicate effectively with clients, work on negotiations, and work within tight deadlines. 

If you’re up for the job and want to try your hand at freelance writing, check out online job boards like ProBlogger, Freelance Writing Jobs, and Contena. 

You can also contact websites and publications directly and offer your services as a freelance content writer. Make sure to be convincing in your pitch and include writing samples. 

Online Business Manager

With more and more businesses moving to an online platform, the demand for online business managers has only grown in the last few years. 

In this position, you’ll oversee various aspects of a business, such as finances, marketing, shipping, and more.

Online business managers can earn anywhere from $ 50,000 to $ 100,000 per year, depending on their level of expertise and the size of the business they work for. This does come up to around $ 5,000, even on an entry-level job. 

To fit into the role of an Online Business Manager, you need to have a solid understanding of the various aspects of a business, such as marketing, finance, and customer service.

 Moreover, working within tight deadlines, communicating effectively, and multitasking are standard job requirements. While many online business managers tend to have a Business Administration or related degree, this isn’t always necessary, especially if you have prior experience. 

Check out job boards like Upwork and FlexJobs to become an online business manager. Otherwise, you can also approach businesses directly and offer your services as a freelance online business manager. Make sure to highlight your skills in your resume and cover letter to stand out more. 

Web Developer

Web development is highly sought after in this day and age. As a Web Developer, you’ll make and manage websites for various businesses. Shopify e-commerce developers are highly in demand. Shopify is very popular due to its ease of work and scalability.

A web developer can earn from $ 60,000 to $ 100,000 per year. This easily comes about or above $ 5,000 for more experienced web developers. Even as an entry-level worker, earning around $ 5,000 a month is pretty easy. If not, most companies also offer excellent perks. 

To become an effective web developer, you’ll need a solid understanding of various programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is also pertinent that you can work with content management systems like WordPress to work effectively. 

Most web developers usually have a degree in computer programming or the like. Still, it is possible to get jobs without it, especially if you have good work samples. If being a web developer interests you, check out job boards like Indeed and Glassdoor. 

Otherwise, you can also directly reach out to firms and offer your services as a web developer. Be sure to highlight your experience and skills in your resume and cover letter, and have work samples ready. 


Online jobs can easily pay up to $ 5,000 monthly or even more. These are just the tip of the iceberg, whether social media management, web development, or freelance writing. 

However, to succeed at any job, you must be willing to dedicate yourself and grow in your position. This is usually something that can take some time. Despite the time, the rewards of working online jobs are well worth it. 

So what are you waiting for? Try any of these fields today and start on a new career path! We guarantee that any of these career paths is more manageable and twice as lucrative as conventional office careers. 


The blog article titled “Online Jobs That Let You Make $5000 Fast!” is intended to provide insights into potential online job opportunities for generating income quickly. However, it’s crucial to note that these opportunities are not a guaranteed path to instant wealth. Any figures provided are for illustrative purposes and are meant to showcase the potential of various online jobs. It’s advisable to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice if needed, and make informed decisions based on your unique circumstances.

While the article highlights various legitimate online earning possibilities, actual results may vary based on effort, skills, experience, and market conditions. It’s important to approach these opportunities with a realistic perspective, understanding that significant income typically requires time, commitment, and consistent effort.

Readers are advised to exercise caution and discretion before investing time or resources into any online job opportunities mentioned in this article.

The writer and publisher of this article assume no responsibility for decisions made by readers based on the information provided. This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial or professional advice. Readers are encouraged to verify the accuracy and applicability of the information presented independently.