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The Best Dates In Saudi Arabia

LifestyleThe Best Dates In Saudi Arabia

Dates are one of the most popular fruits in Saudi Arabia. Due to its religious significance and wide abundance in the country, it has become an essential part of Saudi culture. If you’re visiting the Kingdom, trying them out is a must.

However, with the huge variety available, it can be hard to choose. This is why we have made a list of the best dates available in Saudi Arabia. Let’s get into it. 

Ajwa Dates (This is the Best Date in Saudi Arabia)

Ajwa Dates are one of the best types of dates available in Saudi Arabia

Ajwa dates are one of the most popular and demanded dates. These dates are regarded as the best, with a soft, brown exterior and a soft texture.

Ajwa dates are grown exclusively in Medina and sold everywhere else for extraordinarily high prices. However, Ajwa is very commonplace and is held in extremely high esteem in Saudi Arabia. 

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Ajwa dates are also very religiously significant and used meticulously when breaking fast & in festivities.

Aside from religious significance, they are also incredibly healthy and considered ‘superfoods’ with the many health benefits they offer.

Safawi Dates

Safawi Dates on Palm leaves

Packed with vitamins and fiber, Safawi dates are delicious and incredibly nutritious. The fleshy, sweet fruit is a delight to taste buds with a soft, dark brown to the black exterior.

A popular myth goes as far as to say that eating Safawi dates on an empty stomach kills any stomach worms!

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Aside from the high vitamin content, these dates are packed with minerals and help digestion. 

Safawi Dates are cultivated near Medina and are commonly found in the region. These are the dates you need when health is your priority. 

Medjool Datesย 

Medjool Dates photographed on a wooden table

While Ajwa takes the throne as the king of dates, Medjool bags the tile of the queen of dates. These are the best dates if you’re looking for flavor and sweetness.

Medjool dates have an incredibly sweet and strong flavor – perfect for replacing sugar in smoothies and desserts. Moreover, the soft texture and large disposition make them great and pleasing snacks. 

Not only are Medjool dates brilliant in terms of taste but also in terms of health. They are packed with dietary fiber (almost twenty percent of the necessary intake in one serving) and have high calcium and iron content. 

Sukkari Datesย 

Sukkari dates get their name from the Arabic word ‘Sukkur,’ meaning ‘sweet.’ True to their name, these dates are incredibly sweet and, in fact, a popular dessert for fruit lovers in Saudi Arabia.

Its sweetness is only enhanced due to its dry nature, which makes the fruit more flavorful.

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With a crisp, dry texture and an incredibly sweet taste, these dates strike the perfect balance between flavor and texture, giving the best of both worlds. 

Aside from flavor, Sukkari dates are the best dates for someone looking to reduce fat in their body and lower sugar intake. Not only do these dates prevent tooth decay, but they also lower cholesterol levels and boost overall energy. 

Amber Datesย 

They say quantity over quality, but you get quality and quantity with amber dates. With an already larger-than-average size, these dates also have a smaller pit, giving you more fruit to enjoy.

On top of quantity, amber dates are considered one of the finest in the world with their soft texture, flavorful flesh, and slightly crispy skin.

These are the perfect dates for any special occasion or gift with high protein content and a delightful flavor. 

Zahidi Datesย 

best dates in saudi arabia

Unlike most dates mentioned here, Zahidi dates are a bit softer regarding flavor. With a crispy, firm texture, these are the best dates for someone who doesn’t like too much sweetness.

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These dates have some of the lowest sugar content, making them perfect for a light mid-day snack.

Besides taste and texture, they are also very high in fiber and protein, making them an ideal part of a daily diet. They are also known as ‘butter dates’ due to their light flavor and murky yellow color. 

Kholas Datesย 


If you’re a caramel fan, you’ll love these. Kholas dates are delicious with a caramel-type taste, incredibly soft texture, and even softer flesh.

These dates have a sticky consistency and soft, chewy flesh that leaves you craving for more. Kholas dates are considered a delicacy, and it’s pretty clear why.

Piarom Datesย 

Another date with a unique taste is the Piarom. These flavors lean more towards toffee with some caramel hints.

They are less sweet and more flavorful, making them ideal for someone who does not like things to be excessively sweet.

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With the perfect vitamins and minerals for people with diabetes, it is the ideal healthy snack. 

Khudri Datesย 

best dates in Saudi Arabia

With a thick, dry coat and a flaky consistency, this is perfect for someone who likes a tougher nut to crack (or date to chew?)

Despite what the consistency may imply, don’t be fooled, for these dates have just the right amount of sweetness, too.

They’re perfectly balanced snacks, especially with tea, because of their rich flavor and many health benefits. 

Barhi Datesย 

best dates in Saudi Arabia

As the final date type on the list, it only makes sense for it to be the most unique. Barhi dates are a kind of yellow dates that are slightly different in taste and texture than their obscenely sweet, sticky counterparts.

They have a thicker, more crunchy skin, a mild sweetness, and more nutty undertones when it comes to taste.

However, they go above and beyond regarding health because they contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, iron, and potassium.

These are the best dates for people who don’t like a lot of sweet stuff and are the perfect crunchy snack. 


We’ve mentioned only ten here, but don’t be fooled, for Saudi Arabia has hundreds of date varieties, all in varying degrees of sweetness and flavor.

However, these ten are the most popular and the ones you absolutely must try on your next visit.